Smoothing trajectories¶

To smooth trajectories, we can use a Kalman filter. The implemented KalmanSmootherCV is based on the assumption of a nearly-constant velocity (CV) model. To use KalmanSmootherCV, the optional dependency StoneSoup
needs to be installed.
A closely related type of operation is trajectory generalization which is covered in a separate notebook.
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import movingpandas as mpd
import shapely as shp
import hvplot.pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame, read_file
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from holoviews import opts, dim
import warnings
plot_defaults = {"linewidth": 5, "capstyle": "round", "figsize": (9, 3), "legend": True}
hvplot_defaults = {
"tiles": "CartoLight",
"frame_height": 320,
"frame_width": 320,
"cmap": "Viridis",
"colorbar": True,
MovingPandas 0.20.0 SYSTEM INFO ----------- python : 3.10.15 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Oct 16 2024, 01:15:49) [MSC v.1941 64 bit (AMD64)] executable : c:\Users\Agarkovam\AppData\Local\miniforge3\envs\mpd-ex\python.exe machine : Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 GEOS, GDAL, PROJ INFO --------------------- GEOS : None GEOS lib : None GDAL : None GDAL data dir: None PROJ : 9.5.0 PROJ data dir: C:\Users\Agarkovam\AppData\Local\miniforge3\envs\mpd-ex\Library\share\proj PYTHON DEPENDENCIES ------------------- geopandas : 1.0.1 pandas : 2.2.3 fiona : None numpy : 1.23.1 shapely : 2.0.6 pyproj : 3.7.0 matplotlib : 3.9.2 mapclassify: 2.8.1 geopy : 2.4.1 holoviews : 1.20.0 hvplot : 0.11.1 geoviews : 1.13.0 stonesoup : 1.4
In [2]:
gdf = read_file("../data/geolife_small.gpkg")
tc = mpd.TrajectoryCollection(gdf, "trajectory_id", t="t")
In [3]:
split = mpd.ObservationGapSplitter(tc).split(gap=timedelta(minutes=15))
This smoother operates on the assumption of a nearly-constant velocity (CV) model. The process_noise_std
and measurement_noise_std
parameters can be used to tune the smoother:
governs the uncertainty associated with the adherence of the new (smooth) trajectories to the CV model assumption; higher values relax the assumption, therefore leading to less-smooth trajectories, and vice-versa.measurement_noise_std
controls the assumed error in the original trajectories; higher values dictate that the original trajectories are expected to be noisier (and therefore, less reliable), thus leading to smoother trajectories, and vice-versa.
Try tuning these parameters and observe the resulting trajectories:
In [4]:
smooth = mpd.KalmanSmootherCV(split).smooth(
process_noise_std=0.1, measurement_noise_std=10
TrajectoryCollection with 11 trajectories
In [5]:
kwargs = {**hvplot_defaults, "line_width": 4}
split.hvplot(title="Original Trajectories", **kwargs)
+ smooth.hvplot(title="Smooth Trajectories", **kwargs)
In [6]:
kwargs = {**hvplot_defaults, "c": "speed", "line_width": 7, "clim": (0, 20)}
split.trajectories[2].hvplot(title="Original Trajectory", **kwargs)
+ smooth.trajectories[2].hvplot(title="Smooth Trajectory", **kwargs)
In [7]:
traj = split.trajectories[8]
cleaned = traj.copy()
cleaned = mpd.OutlierCleaner(cleaned).clean(alpha=2)
smoothed = mpd.KalmanSmootherCV(cleaned).smooth(
process_noise_std=0.1, measurement_noise_std=10
traj.hvplot(title="Original Trajectory", **kwargs)
+ cleaned.hvplot(title="Cleaned Trajectory", **kwargs)
+ smoothed.hvplot(title="Cleaned & Smoothed Trajectory", **kwargs)